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Archicamp Returns June 25-27

Program is being offered thru Historic Madison Inc


Historic Madison, Inc. has opened registration for Archicamp, an award-winning youth education program. This year’s camp will take place June 25 through June 27 from 9 am to Noon in the Windle Auditorium, 500 West Street in Madison. Each day will feature a focus on Madison’s different styles of architecture and include activities and experiences in the Madison National Historic Landmark district.

The cost of the camp is $35.00 and includes snacks and supplies. Enrollment for the camp is limited to 12 campers. Eligibility is limited to students attending First through Fourth Grades in the 2024-2025 school year. Advanced registration is required. Please contact Jessica Spiess at Historic Madison, Inc. at 812-265-2967 or to register.

Are you interested in being an experience maker in Madison? If so, we have a place for you! Volunteer opportunities are available for those interested in giving tours, doing research, assisting with digitization, exploring the HMI collections, or helping in the office. HMI offers many opportunities from weekdays to weekends throughout the year. Help HMI continue to tell the stories of Madison to visitors of all ages by volunteering in 2024! For further information or questions, contact Historic Madison, Inc. at or call (812) 265-2967.

Historic Madison, Inc., a not-for-profit historic preservation organization, has played a key role in the preservation, restoration, education, and development of Madison’s National Historic Landmark District. The organization owns and operates 11 historic properties with the help of countless volunteers

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